Learn through
C.R.E.W (College Readiness Experience the World) provides a cohort of like-minded students to learn more about the college application process, university life, scholarships, and how to prepare for life after high school.

C.R.E.W. is a 9-month program where any interested 11th grade student of a participating school can receive mentoring, learn about the college application process, attend workshops, submit essays, apply for and potentially be awarded scholarships to partner universities or community colleges.
- Duration 9 Months
- Cost $
- Interests
Financial Aid & Scholarships
The Workshops
- Navigating California College Systems: Target, Dream & Safety SchoolsAug
- Destination Success: Mastering College Applications & Stellar EssaysSept
- EOP Reflective Questions & Application WorkOct
- FAFSA PART I & Application WorkNov
- FAFSA Part II & Letter Recommendations (EOP & Beyond) Dec
- TCollege Readiness: Scholarship PrepJan
- One Day College Tour (EOP Partnership Universities)Feb
- University Life & Learning Social BalanceMar
- Courageous College Bound (“I am” Art Piece & Final Reflection into life after high school)Apr
- Introduction to College ReadinessAug
- Navigating CA College Systems City CollegeSept
- Navigating CA College Systems 4yrs, and TransferringOct
- Introduction to PIQs, Common App & EOPNov
- Navigating Confidence = Brag Sheets & Letters of RecommendationDec
- Financial Fitness Workshop (FAFSA)Jan
- Career Exploration: Behind the Scenes Career ExplorationFeb
- Resume BuildingMar
- Mock Interview Prep: Career (Final Reflection going into senior year)Apr
- Introduction to College Readiness and SupportAug
- Mastering Email Etiquette & Time ManagementSept
- Exploring California Community College Systems (Transfering)Oct
- Exploring California College & University Systems (4 yr direct)Nov
- First Generation FAQ: How to pick a major? What is EOP? Why Network?
Jan. Financial Fitness I : Building a strong Financial Future (Making a budget with SMART Goals)
Dec - CREW Adventures: Behind the Scenes Career ExplorationFeb
- Financial Fitness II : What is the FAFSA? Scholarships, Grants, Loans & MoreMar
- Vision Boards & Final Reflection moving into the next chapterApr


Scholarship Opportunities

Admissions Info

Campus Tour

Group Activities
Program Includes
• College Tours
We organize college tours with our partner universities and select schools. Transportation, meals, and accommodation are taken care of so you can enjoy the experience!
• Mentoring
We provide mentoring on your personal college application and support for the duration of the program (including essay review, transcripts, etc.)
• Scholarship Opportunities
Scholarships are awarded to our top students in the C.R.E.W. cohort with awards ranging from $2,000-$25,000. Our highly educated and trained staff also provide information about potential scholarship opportunities and awards catered to your personal needs.
• C.R.E.W. Coach
The C.R.E.W. Coach is a highly qualified educational leader who facilitates all aspects of the program for our students. They provide supervision, support, and all the social emotional facilitation within the program.
• Program Facilitators
In addition to the C.R.E.W. Coach, each cohort will be equipped with a highly trained Program Facilitator. All facilitators monitor the progress of their student cohorts and provide support and guidance for the duration of the program.
• Personal Customization
Customization and additional services are available for ALL programs!
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information or questions, please contact info@pathwaysedu.org
• Will our students be safe and secure?
Pathways has been a trusted and proven operator of international & domestic multi-day trips for teenagers since 2007. Students are accompanied by adult chaperones and Pathways employees, never exceeding an 10:1 ratio of adults to students. All participants are provided preparation guidelines and are required to follow strict policies that ensure appropriate and safe behavior. We always put safety first!
• How many students are welcome for each cohort?
Some programs are flexible, but general guideline for maximum program capacity ranges from 20-40.
• What ages are welcome?
Programs are open to students ages 13-20.
If a student is 18 or older, they do not need a parent/guardian signature. However, we recommend that parents accompany their student to program orientation.
• What is your policy on student misbehavior?
We take safety very seriously, and we do not allow behavior that could potentially endanger participants or staff. Furthermore, we require all staff and participants to use appropriate language and treat one another respectfully. We uphold a zero tolerance policy for possession or participation in any of the below:
- Verbal/Physical abuse of any kind
- Smoking (including possession of lighters, matches, tobacco products or paraphernalia)
- Possession, use, or sale of alcohol or any controlled substances or drugs not prescribed by the participant’s personal physician
- Vandalism/Theft of any property
- Being in the opposite gender’s living area or bathroom
- Sexual behavior
- Possession of a firearm, knife, or weapon of any kind, unless provided by program staff and used in strict accordance with program activity
• How can my students qualify for program participation?
Student selection is provided by their school’s teachers, principal, and professional administration.
To qualify for a scholarship, students must
• How do you handle dietary restrictions, medication, and health issues?
All restrictions, medications, health and behavioral issues must be stated clearly in the participants intake form.
All Pathways medication procedures will be reviewed at student/parent orientations. Pathways will work with school chaperones to ensure all participants health needs are fully met to the best of our ability within our scope of practice.
* Dependent on the health needs of the participant, additional paperwork may be required.
All dietary restrictions are taken seriously and accounted for when designing meals for our participants. Pathways frequently services students who are vegetarian, kosher, gluten-free, or suffer from various food allergies.
For inquiries or general questions, please contact us for more information at info@pathwaysedu.org.